Lately, I have been asking my clients about their concerns … and one answered “cracked heels!” I understand exactly what she is talking about! I have myself painful-looking cracked heels!

Last week, I was pleasantly surprised when Rebecca, my massage therapist, took it upon herself to massage my feet and apply Shea body butter.  Within seconds it felt better, and after a day or two my heels were soft again!

The cream she used was Karité Shea Butter Body Cream made by three sisters from Ghana that we carry in our shop. Very nourishing for winter skin! *Read more about their skincare creations here.

If your feet are very cracked use an antibacterial ointment like Bacitracin, it will work wonders!

Treat your feet!

Another wonderful (and inexpensive) self-care ritual,I love, especially after a long day of work, is getting a foot soak. All you need is a bowl large enough to fit both feet comfortably (you can get a cheap plastic one from your corner dollar store), warm water, Epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. 

Or you can purchase our Revive Bath Salts, made with Epsom salts, essential oils of Basil, Peppermint, Rosemary, and dried Rosemary. They are wonderful!

However, if you want to make it at home, check out how I do it!

After the soak, apply a moisturizer, and put socks on! Cozy up with a cocktail, a glass of wine or fresh-brewed tea. It will give you the feeling of pure luxury and care and all the while, you will be healing those aching heels. Maybe you can even trade foot soak and massage with a friend or a loved one? 

Take good care and until next time. Treat your body WELL!