Yoga Sanctuary with Erica Mather

During this “ Pause” I have often thought about offering a stretching and meditation class for you all, but it’s hard to find the discipline to commit. I still might, but until then, you can try “Yoga Sanctuary” on Fridays from 12-1:15pm with Erica Mather.

Erica is a friend and colleague who I met when I first moved to the city and we both worked at a wellness studio in the city. 

This well-rounded and nicely flowing class starts with a reading which she thoughtfully choses to set the “tone” of the class. Then we move into a gentle slow flow which seems to touch in every part of my body that needs it.

She will ask if anything needs attention and she leaves time for questions at the end.

It’s my Friday ritual. It’s lovely and I highly recommend it… seems they will be continuing all summer this way. Check it out and pay what you can. If you are interested in getting the link go the Yoga Sanctuary on Zoom please e mail Erica!

Erica is also the author of the new book “Your Body, Your Best Friend”. 

This book helps you to tune into your body and she writes so honestly and eloquently about the concept of “befriending your body”.  

We have some in our shop now. Get 15% off with your code FEELWELL15. Purchase here.

And she’s doing a summer book group